SJARMS is excited that the young singer-songwriter and guitar player, Nardo Lilly, (aka Annie Nardolilli) will be our featured performer for the SJARMS’ October meeting on Monday, October 12, 2015 at the Medford Arts Center, 18 N. Main St., Medford, NJ. Doors open at 7:00pm. Admission is free for SJARMS members, $10 for visitors. Information on joining SJARMS can be found in the membership tab above.
Annie’s songs are cleverly written and she sings them with her naturally resonant, gorgeous voice. She will be performing songs from her newly released LP “Wing Woman” as well as her 2013 album “Kitty Hawk.” A Temple University graduate with a major in Anthropology and minors in Italian and Political Science she hails originally from Arlington Virginia. From Benedict Cumberbatch to Hot Park Rangers to David and Goliath, Kitty Hawk and everywhere in between: the cast of characters, images, and places in Annie’s songs will delight and challenge you. The universe she surveys is complicated and crazy, but generous and good for a laugh.
Come out on October 12th and enjoy Annie’s songs and stay for the all-level acoustic jam afterward, either jamming with the group or hanging out to listen. If you want to jam please bring your acoustic instrument.